God's Hidden Treasures
God's Hidden Treasures is a 501 (C)(3) organization which is funded entirely through the generosity of contributions.

Shop at your favorite stores and
support our mission
Please go to GoodSearch and type in “God’s Hidden Treasures” as your preferred charity. They will donate for simply using their browser when you do your on-line shopping -even browsing brings in donations. Just shop from the many retailers : Amazon, Macy’s, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, Home Depot, I Tunes, Target, Walmart, Land's End, Pet Smart, L.L. Bean, Office Depot and hundreds of others. A percentage of your purchase will be sent to GHT.
The Good Search also has a variety of coupons available from your favorite shops.

Other Great Ways to Get Involved
Plan a short-term mission trip to Ukraine with the help of GHT staff.
Attend a mission trip with The Sending Place and IMPACT International Missions
Organize a toy drive for Christmas gifts for the orphans.
Sponsor a family through our Sponsor-A Family program.
Organize a fund raiser to purchase wheelchairs.
Point your friends to this website: www.godshiddentreasures.org
Make GHT the focus of your VBS this summer.
Invite Nita Hanson to speak at your church.